
Lake Woodmoor
The District acquired Lake Woodmoor in 2001 in order to provide storage for exchange credits from Monument Creek and supplement the groundwater supplies from wells. The water stored in Lake Woodmoor is used to meet large irrigation demands and is also a source for potable water delivered to District customers.

The South Water Treatment Plant (SWTP), constructed in 2004, has the treatment technology required for surface water and groundwater from wells using a variation of multi-media filtration systems. Chlorine is added for water disinfection, potassium permanganate is used for iron and manganese removal, and sodium hydroxide is added for pH adjustment and corrosion control. The total plant capacity is 3.0 million gallons per day (MGD). The facility also features a Xeriscape garden that offers suggestions for selecting water.

The Central Water Treatment Plant (CWTP), constructed in 1995, was designed to treat water from groundwater wells using a multi-media filtration system. The total plant capacity is 1.7 million gallons per day (MGD).

Monument Creek Exchange
The District constructed the Monument Creek Exchange and pipeline that delivers non-potable water to the SWTP and Lake Woodmoor.